Saturday, July 31, 2010


Kali ini aku mau share pengalamanku yang ini, Bagi kamu yang suka ke warnet pasti tau winlock,yaitu software yang dipasang untuk membatasi akses kita pada komputer warnet,mungkin kamu sebel ga bisa ngapa2-in karena winlock,ga bisa buka cntrol panel, ga bisa buka task manager, run, dan lain2. ok aku kasih trik agar kamu bisa mengakali itu semua. Software yang di perlukan disini cukup simpel dan berukuran kecil,namanya UNLOCK THEM ALL yang fungsinya adalah kebalikan dari winlock,kita bisa buka semua proteksi yang dibuat oleh winlock dengan menghilangkan semua centang yang ada, gambarnya

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :UnLockThemAll.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Anti Netcut Penangkal Netcut

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya pernah menulis tentang cara mengontrol bandwidth di sebuah jaringan hotspot menggunakan sebuah aplikasi bernama Netcut. Melalui software ini, seseorang bisa memutus dan membuka akses user lainnya yang ada dalam satu jaringan dengannya.

Seperti halnya sebuah penyakit, pada umumnya memiliki obat atau penangkalnya masing2. Begitu juga dengan netcut. Nama software penangkalnya sendiri tidak jauh-jauh dari nama penyakitnya, yaitu Anti Netcut.

Dengan menggunaka antinetcut, maka dijamin Anda akan terhindar dari orang-orang iseng yang menggunakan netcut untuk mengusai bandwidth atau sekedar ingin mengerjai user lainnya. Bahkan kita bisa mengetahui siapa yang sedang menggunakan/menjalankan netcut dalam jaringan tersebut.

Anti Netcut

Oke, supaya tidak berpanjang lebar, silahkan download anti netcut-nya. Setelah itu instal softwarenya di komputer Anda. Jangan lupa jalankan anti netcutnya setiap Anda terhubung ke sebuah jaringan hotspot atau LAN, supaya terbebas dari serangan software netcut.


Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :Anti Netcut

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Merubah Windows Bajakan Menjadi Asli

Windows XP mungkin bisa kita katakana sebagai OS (Operating System) yang paling populer dan paling banyak digunakan di planet ini. Namun dibalik kepopulerannya itu Windows XP menjadi sasaran utama untuk dibajak. Apabila kita sebagai salah satu pengguna dari OS tersebut, tahukah kita, OS yang kita gunakan tersebut adalah asli (Genuin) atau OS hasil bajakan. Dan apabila ternyata Windows XP yang kita miliki dan beroperasi dikomputer kita tersebut bajakan, bagaimana cara mengubah Windows XP bajakan tersebut menjadi Windows XP yang asli (genuine).
Untuk mengetahui Windows XP kita bajakan atau tidak, kita dapat menggunakan tool “Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool”, tool tersebut dapat mendeteksi keaslian Windows XP kita. Yang menjadi pembeda antara Windows XP yang asli (Genuin) dengan Windows XP bajakan adalah Serial Number yang kita gunakan sawaktu menginstall Windows XP tersebut.

Ini adalah tampilan tool Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool

Dan bisa kita lihat, Windows XP yang aku gunakan asli (Genuin). Tapi sebernernya Windows XP yang aku gunakan itu bajakan, namun Serial Numbernya udah aku ganti dengan Serial Number Windows XP yang asli. Karena aku udah ganti Serial Numbernya dengan Serial Number Windows XP yang asli, tool Michrosoft Genuin Advantage Diagnostic mendeteksi bahwa Windows XP yang aku gunakan itu udah asli. Dan bagainakah caranya???
Untuk mengganti serial number Windows XP yang bajakan menjadi asli, kita bisa menggunakan software “Megical Jelly Keyfinder Bean”, software batan Jelly Bean.

Gambar-gambar diatas adalah tampilan software Keyfinder, Keyfinder yang saya gunakan adalah versi v1.51. Atau bisa dicari di google untuk versi yang lebih baru. Untuk mengganti serial numbernya, ikuti saja langkah-langkah berupa gambar-gambar diatas, dan ganti serial number yang lama dengan serial number yang ada dibawah ini:




Setelah diganti serial numbernya, bisa kita cek lagi keasliannya dengan menggunakan Michrosoft Genuin Adventage Diagnostic Tool. Akan lebih baik setelah kita mengganti serial numbernya, dan berhasil, kita melakukan verifikasi Windows XP melalui internet.
atau pakai cara yang ini
gk bs install IE7, WMP11, ato free donlod dr microsoft center gr2 windows XP bajakan ??

ini trik sederhana supaya menjadi original
start--> run--->regedit---> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents

klik --->OOBETimer

rubah FF to ---> 00

Start --> Run -->
tulis C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a -->enter

Activate Windows > second option :> Change Product key

masukkan kode ini :

B7R7P - J63JP - 2J7VH - W3TDJ - PDP7T -->update ---> selesai

bis ini ud bs lgsg install IE7 dll...


Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :
Dowload Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool
Download Keyfinder v1.51

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mengalihkan Bandwidth dengan Netcut

Netcut bukan “Netcat” merupakan singkatan dari Network Cut. Network adalah jaringan, sementara cut adalah menggunting (“huh.. semua dah pada tau tuh ” :D ). Jadi kalo kita defenisikan, Netcut berarti menggunting jaringan atau lebih tepatnya lagi memutus hubungan/koneksi.

Biar nggak belit langsung aja ya..

Kecepatan shared connection pada dasarnya ditentukan banyaknya user yang terkoneksi, topologi yang digunakan, settingan protokol dan masih banyak lagi.. Jika menggunakan settingan murni, kecepatan akses akan dibagi berdasarkan banyaknya user yang menggunakannya.. contohnya : Bila kecepatan koneksi = 600 Kbps , dan ada 6 user yang menggunakannya, maka kecepatan masing-masing menjadi 100 Kbps, kecuali diberi limit connection pada user lain.. Jadi semakin banyak user terkoneksi, semakin kecil pula aksesnya..

hmmm… ( “dari tadi pengantar terus nie” ) :D Okedeh, pointing Kalo belum ada softwarenya silahkan download di sini atau cari di Om google. Jika sudah, begini cara makenya..

1. Ekstrak filenya jika formatnya zip atau rar atau file kompres lainnya.

2. Install programnya, double klik netcut.exe ( “dah tau cara nginstall kan.” )

3. Setelah programnya terinstal, buka program netcut tersebut.

Akan tampak tabel yang berisi daftar IP yang sedang aktif, Kemudian pilih Ip yang akan dicut, lalu tekan tombol cut off. Maka jatah bandwidth dari Ip tadi akan beralih kepada Ip kita.. dan Ip yang dicut tidak akan dapat terkoneksi ke server sebelum anda me-resumenya atau sebelum dia mengganti Ipnya..

Gampang bukan ?? :D Tapi anggaplah ini sebagai tambahan wawasan, bukan untuk dipraktekkan terus-menerus. Kan kasihan misalnya orang yang sedang download software 100 MB, tiba2 pas udah berhasil 99% malah terputus.. :D

Sedikit tips untuk antisipasi, agar ip kita tidak dpt dicut gunakanlah antinetcut, bisa di download di sini atau cari di Mbah Google. Install softwarenya, dijamin deh kamu ngak bakalan bisa dicut pake netcut.. :D Semoga bermanfaat.


Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :Netcut

Personalisasikan Firefoxmu

Belakangan ini, jujur, saya sedang asyik-asyiknya mengutak-atik smartphone android terbaru milik saya, mulai dari sistem-sistemnya, download-download aplikasinya, hingga browsing-browsing internet menggunakan browser smartphone android yang ternyata membuat siapapun betah di depan layar smartphone tersebut, hingga tanpa sadar, saat mengecek pulsa, pulsa saya benar-benar meleleh habis, bayangkan, friend, 60rb lebih pulsa saya meleleh habis dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam menjadi saat ini tinggal 14 rupiah saja,

nah aktivitas (yang mengasyikkan) ini juga memaksa saya untuk sejenak tidak berdekatan dengan notebook sederhana saya, karena itu friend, mohon maaf jika agak sedikit lama friend belum mendapat Tips komputer terbaru dari sini :)

anyway beberapa patah kalimat diatas hanya merupakan klarifikasi saja, nah, topik kita kali ini adalah tentang personas, mungkin banyak dari friend yang menggunakan mozilla firefox sebagai rekanan dalam berselancar, dan jika friend adalah seorang firefox-er, tentu juga sudah mengenal fitur baru yang hadir di Mozilla firefox yang bernama personas, bagi yang sudah mengerti dengan fitur personas ini, silahkan langsung baca artikel yang lainnya atau bisa memberikan pendapat melalui kolom komentar dibawah, tetapi jika anda belum pernah mendengar apalagi menggunakan fitur ini, mari kita bahas secara bersama-sama

Apa itu personas

Personas, seperti yang sudah di tuliskan diatas, adalah sebuah fitur teranyar yang resmi dikeluarkan oleh Mozilla, fitur ini sebenarnya bisa dikatakan sebagai mini themes (tema mini) karena, tidak seperti tema firefox pada umumnya, yang mana melakukan perubahan secara total pada tampilan firefox, seperti merubah gambar background, warna background, tombol atau font dan lain sebagainya, personas ini hanya sebatas merubah warna dan grafik latar belakang dari mozilla firefox anda, dan uniknya lagi personas ini tidak membutuhkan restart pada firefox anda, jadi ibaratnya firefox anda bisa berganti baju tanpa mengganggu pekerjaan anda, o,iya berdasarkan pengalaman dan beberapa sumber yang saya dapatkan, personas ini secara otomatis terinstal di forefox 3.6, jika anda masih menggunakan mozilla firefox 3.5 atau versi dibawah 3.5, anda bisa mengupgrade firefox anda ke 3.6 atau menggunakan addon khusus (dibahas dibawah)

Menggunakan personas di mozilla firefox 3.5 atau versi dibawahnya

Sebenarnya tidak ada cara khusus, anda tinggal mendownload dan menginstall addon personas, bisa di download di:

Menggunakan personas di mozilla firefox 3.6

cara A:

Anda bisa langsung menuju:, dan browse desain-desain personas yang mempesona dari sana, lalu setelah menemukan pilihan yang cocok, klik tulisan "Wear It" (tanpa tanda kutip)

cara B:

1. Cari Tulisan Tools di menu bar
2. dan cari tulisan personas yang ada icon gambar menyerupai rubah
3. Di sana anda bisa browsing lebih jauh desain personas
4. anda bisa mencarinya dalam klasifikasi-klasifikasi yang ada, misalnya New and featured, most populars, dan All
5. pilih desain personas sesuai keinginan anda

jadi, friend, mulai sekarang, jangan ragu lagi, segeralah personaskan firefoxmu :)


TuneUp Utilities 2010 + Keygen

Fast, effective Windows Optimization
One-click overview of your PC performance
Quick analysis of your PC hardware, operating system, and programs
Real performance increases, real fast
Easy-to-understand help functions
Intelligent Windows Optimization built in for every PC
Intelligent recommendations for your unique PC optimization
Identifies your personal settings and protects them
Highlights your PC�s optimization potential, including unused programs and resource-draining settings
Recommends options and explains performance results before taking any action
Safe Windows Optimization
Provides you with safe and effective optimization results
Corrects all mistakes created from previous tuning attempts
Comprehensive and easy rollback ability for any changes made to your PC
Perfectly designed for your Windows Operating System
Automatically detects and configures for your operating system
Ideal for XP, Vista & 7 (32/64 bit) users
Designed to leverage the unique features within each operating system.

Serial Keys:-


09Y512-6DHKRJ-HY0JV1-0B3YD6-3E 43QQ-WWJC6K















Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

VirtualBox 3.2.2 (2010)

VirtualBox 3.2.2 (2010) - Virtual PC | Size: 72.9 MB

VirtualBox - System virtualization, similar to VMware Workstation and MS Virtual PC. Supports dynamic translation - to most of the instructions guest OS is on real hardware. As the host systems are supported 32 - and 64-bit versions of Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, as well as guest can serve Windows, GNU / Linux, BSD, Solaris and other operating systems.

For those who have not heard of VMWare and Microsoft VirtualPC: These programs are designed to create a virtual machine with the real parameters of iron (your) computer, which can run any operating system. It is a handy feature, for example, for testing.

Original title: VirtualBox
Year: 2010
Developer: Sun Mircosystems, Inc
Version: 3.2.2
Language: Russian, English
Status: Freeware
Size: 72.9 MB

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
Processor: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video: 64 MB, 800x600, 16 bit
Soundcard: compatible with DirectX 9.0
Free DB: 82,7 MB

- Native x86-virtualization, do not require hardware support technician Intel VT or AMD-V (which, however, may be included in the preferences)
- Friendly user interface (built with Qt3)
- Support for Windows, Linux and Mac OS systems, host-
- Availability of Guest VM Additions to simplify interaction with host OS and optimize their performance
- Support for multiprocessor and multicore systems (only as a guest, support Virtual SMP for multiprocessors representation in the guest is absent)
- Stability (in comparison with other Open Source solutions)
- Support for virtual audio
- High productivity (for reviews of the set of experts is higher than that of products VMware)
- Support for different types of networking (NAT, Host Networking via Bridged, Internal)
- Support the tree saved state the virtual machine (snapshots), which can be rolled back from any state guest
- Description of the virtual machine settings in XML-format
- Support for Shared Folders to easily share files between the host and guest systems.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :VirtualBox 3.2.2 (2010)

UltraDefrag v4.0.0

UltraDefrag v4.0.0 - PORTABLE | 1.22 MB

UltraDefrag is very fast, because the defragmenting is done by kernel-mode driver. There are three interfaces to them: graphical, console and native. The GUI is very useful, because it represents your filesystem visually as a color coded cluster map.

The console is another option for those that prefer the command line. It is also allows you to run UltraDefrag from the task scheduler and scripts. Finally, the native executable will run at boot time in a manner similar to chkdsk.

Key features of "UltraDefrag":

· Very fast defragmentation, the work is done via a kernel mode driver which has an optimal defraging algorithm.

· Very small engine written in pure C.

· Nice graphical interface - compact and functional.

· Safety, because the file moving is accomplished with Microsoft's own Defrag API.

· Simple to use.

· Ability to generate html reports of fragmentation status.

· Ability to include/exclude files based on simple filters.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Speccy 1.01.132 Final Portable

Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem! At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.

Why do I need Speccy?
If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.

If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use Speccy to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use Speccy to check that the computer has what the label says it has.

Also, Speccy comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. Speccy has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download : Speccy 1.01.132 Final Portable

Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.2.3 Final

Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.

Revo Uninstaller Pro is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Add or Remove Programs" applet!

With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller Pro analyzes an application's data before uninstall and scans after you uninstall an application. After the program's regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller Pro scans for an application's data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry keys so you can delete them.

With its unique "Hunter mode", Revo Uninstaller Pro offers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful methods for uninstalling software. You can use it to manage your installed and/or running software programs.

Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful feature called Forced Uninstall. This feature allows you to remove leftovers of programs that are already uninstalled, incomplete installations and uninstallations of programs! It does not matter if the program, you want to remove, is not listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro or in Windows Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Forced Uninstall gives the power to the user but steel keeps the safety and the accuracy of the results.

Revo Uninstaller Pro has another feature that allows monitoring of installation of a program and detects system changes during that installation. The process is done in real time – simultaneously! This feature is also very powerful because by monitoring system changes during the installation we eliminate all the scanning algorithms when we need to uninstall that program.

Here is the list of the tools and utilities included in Revo Uninstaller Pro:

Auto Start Manager - Stop programs that start automatically on Windows startup; speed up loading of Windows!

Windows Tools Manager - Handy and useful tools bundled with every version of Windows; easily find useful system tools and options!

Junk Files Cleaner - Find and remove unnecessary files from your computer; free up disk space and delete files you do not need!

Browsers History Cleaner - Erase web browser history, visited pages history and temporary internet files of Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera web browsers; free up a lot of disk space by deleting temporary internet files like temporary saved videos, temporary flash files, temporary pictures etc!

Office History Cleaner - Remove the history of most recently used files in MS Office; remove your tracks by deleting the list of last opened MS Office documents!
Windows History Cleaner - Remove the history of recently opened files, delete temporary files, remove usage tracks and other history items that are saved by Windows; remove your tracks saved by Windows for a lot of operations!

Unrecoverable Delete Tool - Erase files and folders forever; be sure that nobody could recover your files and folders after deleting!

Evidence Remover - Make sure already deleted files, folders and other data are unrecoverable; securely erase your data!

Compatible with: Windows XP, 2003, Vista and Win7 (32/64-bit)
Multilingual: English, Italian, Japanese,Dutch, Danish, Bulgarian, Polish, Slovak, Hebrew[, Macedonian.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Portable East-Tec Eraser 2010

East-Tec Eraser is a very useful data and privacy protection utility that can remove all evidence from your computer of online activity.

Eraser goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information and easily removes every trace of sensitive data from your computer.

East-Tec Eraser comes with full support for popular browsers including Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, America Online, MSN Explorer, Opera and for other programs that create privacy risks such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Kazaa, etc.

With East-Tec Eraser you may also eliminate sensitive documents from your computer: valuable corporate trade secrets, business plans, personal files, photos or confidential letters.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...


The PC Decrapifier will uninstall many of the common trialware and annoyances found on many of the PCs from big name OEMs. Below is the current list of software and items that the PC Decrapifier can detect and remove. You get to see the list of items it detects and then choose what will be removed automatically.

How It Works
Simply download the file. Open up the zip file and run the EXE. There is no installer necessary. If you have anti-virus software installed, it may complain about this program because it is written with a scripting language. These warnings can be safely ignored.

You may then pick and choose what you want to remove. It will not begin removing anything without prompting you first!

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :PC-Decrapifier-1.9.1

Glary Utilities PRO v2.23.0.923 Full Version

Glary Utilities Pro offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC. It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces. You can manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files. You can also view and manage installed shell extensions, encrypt your files from unauthorized access and use, split large files into smaller manageable files and then rejoin them. Furthermore, Glary Utilities includes the options to optimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall software. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more.


* Automatic care in background
* Optimize, clean and boost the speed of your Windows.
* Protect your privacy and security.
* Block spyware, trojans, adware, etc.
* Fix certain application errors.
* Simple, fast and User friendly interface
* Much much more powerful utilities

Release name: GlarySoft.Glary.Utilities.PRO.v2.23.0.923.Multilingual-ARN
Size: 5.99 MB

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

CCleaner 2.29 Build 1111 Multilanguage Portable

CCleaner 2.29 Build 1111 Multilanguage Portable | 961 Kb

CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Internet Explorer
Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
Temporary files, URL history, cookies, download history.
Temporary files, URL history, cookies.
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :CCleaner 2.29 Build 1111 Multilanguage Portable

Auslogics Disk Defrag

Auslogics Disk Defrag was designed to remedy system sluggishness and crashes caused by disk fragmentation. It is optimized to work with today's modern hard disks. Auslogics Disk Defrag is extremely simple to use, does not require any analysis phase and is faster than most of the other disk defragmentation software. It will help you get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. And, what’s most important, it's absolutely FREE.

Disk fragmentation leads to system slowdowns, PC crashes, slow startup and shutdown and sometimes to system failures. Auslogics Disk Defrag® is designed for fast optimization of today's modern hard disks. Get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. It works on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/2003 (32-bit and 64-bit and dual-core CPU supported).

• Improve computer performance and stability
• Increase your productivity - no more waiting for files to open
• Defragment disks in only a few minutes
• Useful disk fragmentation map and detailed fragmentation report
• Windows 7/Vista/2008/XP/2003, 32-bit and 64-bit and dual-core CPU supported.

• Free space consolidation. Free space on a disk is often split into many small gaps between files. Windows fills these gaps with newly created or extended files. The more fragmented the free space is, the more fragmented new files will be. Disk Defrag merges free space into a large contiguous block. This technology dramatically slows further files fragmentation and speeds up disk access.
• System files smart placement. Commonly used by Windows, system files may be scattered all over the disk and intermixed with data files. Disk Defrag 3 arranges system files by defragmenting and moving them to the faster part of the disk. This minimizes the time needed for HDD to access system files improving overall computer performance.
• Keeping the MFT Reserved Zone Clear. Normally, NTFS file system reserves about 12.5% of the disk volume for the MFT records (a place where information about every file and directory is stored). However, when the rest of the disk space is getting low, the MFT Reserved Zone will be used for storing regular files. This may lead to MFT fragmentation.
Disk Defrag 3 replaces regular files from the MFT Reserved Zone into the rest of the disk space, allowing NTFS to allocate contiguous space for the MFT records and thus to prevent its fragmentation.
• Enhanced user interface. A redesigned user interface makes navigation through Disk Defrag 3 more intuitive than ever before. It can be integrated into the Windows Explorer context menu and minimized to system tray on close. Use its many new customization settings to simplify defragmentation process.
• List of fragmented files. Disk Defrag 3 lists all the fragmented files after performing disk analysis. Selecting any file from the list will highlight its clusters location on a fragmentation map. You can find the most fragmented files and their paths by sorting the list. Right-click on any file directly in the list to defragment it.

More Advanced Features
• Auto-defrag mode. With its auto-defragmentation feature, Disk Defrag acts in real time, while your system is idle. Since Disk Defrag 3 is very compact and requires few system resources, it can easily defragment your hard drives in the background and you will not even notice its activity. Just set Disk Defrag 3 to run automatically and you’ll forget about disks fragmentation shortly.
• Single file or folder defragmentation. It is sometimes reasonable to defragment either one or several individual files instead of defragmenting an entire drive. Disk Defrag can save your time by defragmenting only those files that you’ve selected.
• Scheduled defragmentation. Running Disk Defrag on a regular basis ensures your disks stay defragmented. Use a wide range of its scheduler options to set the most suitable time span for disks defragmentation.
• Multiple Languages. We are very grateful to the users who helped us in translating Disk Defrag into their native languages! Thanks to them, Disk Defrag is available in English, German, Dutch, Japanese and Russian. If you like our software, you can make your own contribution to developing Disk Defrag by translating it into your native language. All you need is to know English well. You don’t even need any specialized knowledge in software development. It is very simple – just download this zip file, unpack it and follow the instructions included. We appreciate your help in developing Disk Defrag!

Cara Download:

Klik link downloadnya, anda akan di bawa ke halaman iklan, setelah itu klik SKIP ADD pada sudut kanan...trus download dech...

Download :Auslogics Disk Defrag

Advanced SystemCare Pro v3.6.1.715 Multilanguage

Advanced SystemCare Pro - is reviewing the system and then optimizes your system configuration, including changes in the optimal security settings, remove from the system of Spyware and Adware, corrects errors in the registry and deletes temporary files, optimizes internet connection, you can manage autoloading applications, defragment the file system, etc. etc.

Features Advanced SystemCare Pro:
"Increased productivity and reliability of the system
"Powerful defragmentation and optimization of hard disk drives
"Cleaning and optimizing the system registry
"Automatic work in the background
"Protecting the system from spyware
"Quick and complete cleaning of hard drives from garbage
"Improving the operation of your PC
"Correction of a number of system errors
"Multi-language interface, including the Russian language.

Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Released: 2010
Language: Multilanguage
Medicine: Yes

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Download :Advanced SystemCare Pro v3.6.1.715 Multilanguage

Friday, July 23, 2010

Software System Utilities Terbaik 2010

Ini dia Software System Utilities Terbaik yang sudah kami pilihkan untuk anda. Karena begitu banyak, lebih dari satu maksudnya, langsung saja kami masuk ke bagian pentingnya.

1. Advanced SystemCare Free
Hanya dengan satu klik, anda langsung membuat komputer bekerja lebih baik dan lebih cepat.

2. Auslogics Disk Defrag
Dengan ini anda dapat mendefrag harddisk saat komputer sedang idle, menjalankannya sebagai screensaver ketika kita jauh dari komputer.

3. CCleaner
Dapat mengoptimasi komputer anda dan melakukan sweeping pada saat yang sama dengan sekali klik.

4. Disk Space Fan
Menampilkan grafik seperti kipas akan pemakaian harddisk kita. Coba klik ke bagian grafik itu, dan kita akan mengetahui seluk beluk harddisk kita.

5. Eraser
Berfungsi seperti tombol penghapus yang mengosongkan Recycle Bin.

6. EULAlyzer
Apakah perjanjian lisensi pada tiap software atau layanan (EULA) membuat Anda gugup? Anda tidak sendirian teman-teman. Untungnya, dengan EULAlyzer kita dapat melihat “kontrak” iniyang memberitahukan Anda tentang perangkap tersembunyi yang mungkin akan terinstall, batasan-batasan apa yang dapat kita lakukan dengannya, bahkan apa kebijakan privasi di situs Web yang kita daftar. Apa yang Anda lakukan dengan saran saran dari EULAlyzer, itu terserah Anda.

7. Glary Utilities
Windows | Portable
Sebuah aplikasi all-in-one yang sangat bagus untuk mengoptimasi seluruh komputer anda. Coba saja. Ada juga monitoring proses disana. Rasakan.

8. Kiwi
Dengan ini anda bisa merekam jejak aplikasi anda.

9. PC Decrapifier
Selalu perhatikan arti dari nama aplikasi yang anda gunakan. Biasanya dari nama mencerminkan fungsi sebuah aplikasi. Biasanya kalo kita membeli seperangkat PC baru, kita mendapatkan banyak aplikasi yang terinstall di dalamnya. Aplikasi itu juga ada yang tiddak diperlukan. Nah maka dari itu, install dan gunakan PC Decrapifier untuk menghapusnya.

10. Revo Uninstaller
Program dihapus di Windows jarang sekali pergi. Revo Uninstaller memastikan semuanya hilang.

11. Speccy
Jika ada sesuatu yang tidak Anda ketahui mengenai PC Anda, tetapi ingin tau detail semua komponen PC anda sampai pembuatnya. Coba ini.

12. UltraDefrag
Pencinta open source dan ingin mengoptimasi komputer, ini aplikasinya.

13. VirtualBox
Windows | Mac | Linux
Gunakan aplikasi virtualisasi gratis ini. Virtualisasi membuat kita bisa menggunakan sistem operasi di dalam sistem operasi. Harganya? Gratis.


Windows Media Player Dolby Surround v5.1 II Plugin Tested

Circle Surround II Plugin For Windows Media Player: Enjoy all your CDs, WMA, MP3 and other streaming audio in 5.1 surround sound with SRS Labs’ Circle Surround II (CSII) Plugin for Windows Media Player 9 Series. The CSII seamlessly integrates Circle Surround’s powerful controls directly into the Windows Media Player 9 Series, enabling you to customize the multichannel audio experience on your PC.

CSII also features SRS’ advanced TruBass and Dialog Clarity technologies which transforms mono or stereo sources into stunning 5.1 audio with added bass enhancement and clear vocals. This is must have technology for any multichannel system. Get yours now and experience the ultimate in PC audio!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Winamp v5.58.2975 Pro Multilanguage

Changes in Winamp 5.58:
* New: [gen_skinmanager] Skin Manager v1.0
- That transforms Winamp's Skin Browser to a true Skin Manager
- Live preview, nice filter options, renaming tools, a powerful search function and much more
- all functionallity of the Skins in Submenu plugin
* New: [gen_classicart] Album Art Viewer plugin v0.7
- adds an Album Art window to all classic skins
* Improved: [Installer] improved plugin checks, system files in installer are now only visible, if the required plugins are installed
* Improved: [Installer] made Essentials Pack configuration file & Playlist Sidecar backup files are saved in same dir like winamp.ini
* Updated: [ml_enqplay] ML Enqueue and Play to v2.0*
- allows you to set 'Enqueue and Play' as third option under Prefs > Media Library too
* Updated: [gen_undo] Playlist Undo to v1.0.2*
* Updated: [gen_timerestore] Autoplay & Time Restore to v2.5.2*
* Updated: [alac.w5s] Apple Lossles Decoder to v1.4
- this adds 24-Bit and multichannel support
* Updated: [gen_ffod] Find File on Disk to v3.0.2*
- Now correctly handles foo.rsnbar.spc playlist entries by opening to where foo.rsn is
* Updated: [gen_nopro] Lite-n Winamp preferences to v1.6.1*
* Updated: [in_wav] Nullsoft Waveform Wrapper to v1.2
* Updated: [enc_vorbis] Nullsoft Vorbis Encoder to v1.3a
- updated to libOgg v1.2.0
* Misc: [Installer] made installer detects and deletes old Skins in Submenu plugin because of compatibility issues
* Misc: [gen_skinsubmenu] removed obsolete Skins in Submenu plugin
* Misc: [Installer] general script and language file cleanup
* Misc: [Installer] updated Installer to NSIS 2.46 (Unicode)
* Misc: All Essentials Pack plugins are localizable now, we finally reached our goal, big thanks to Darren

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Download :Winamp v5.58.2975 Pro Multilanguage

VLC Media Player 1.11

VLC Media Player 1.11 Nightly + (Portable) | 18 MB + 30 MB

VLC (initially VideoLAN Client) is a highly portable multi-platform multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, Ogg, OGM, MOV, wma, wmv...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. The VideoLAN project targets multimedia streaming of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and DivX files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and live videos on a high-bandwidth IPv4 or IPv6 network in unicast or multicast under many OSes. VideoLAN also features a cross-platform multimedia player, VLC, which can be used to read the stream from the network or display video read locally on the computer under all GNU/Linux flavours, all BSD flavours, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, Solaris, QNX...

* Rewrite of the playlist (tree structure, input preparsing ...)
* Preferences improvements
* XML parsers
* Client-side SSL/TLS support
* Massive Matroska improvements
* Support for SOCKS proxy
* Support for Shoutcast Meta-data
* Support for (HE-)AAC raw-audio streams
* TiVo demuxer
* Samba (Windows shares) access module
* Dirac decoder and encoder
* PNG decoder/encoder
* Support for Apple Lossless Audio Codec
* Services discovery modules (brand new SAP module, HAL discovery, DAAP (iTunes shares), shoutcast)
* Support for 20/24 bits LPCM
* Video snapshot support (png or jpg)
* Image file video output (png)
* Mosaic (picture-in-picture system)
* Pocket PC port
* Brand new Internet Explorer ActiveX plugin

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Download :VLC Media Player 1.11

Real Player v.

Real Player plays all major media formats including RealVideo, RealAudio, Windows Media and Quicktime. This makes it easier for end users to decide on the media they want to access, not the format or software. We take universality a step further by providing RealPlayers for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Unix, mobile phones, portable devices, set top boxes, DVD players and gaming consoles.

Fast Facts about the New Real Player:
* Consumers can use the innovative, single-click process to quickly download and save videos for later enjoyment.
* Consumers can download multiple videos simultaneously with RealPlayer, allowing people to save time and easily multitask. Users can also start downloading in the middle of watching a video, and the entire video will be captured.
* Consumers don’t need to worry about video format compatibility issues — the new RealPlayer supports videos created in the most popular formats, including Flash, Windows Media, QuickTime, and Real.
* Consumers can easily burn videos to CD (or to DVD, using RealPlayer Plus). The Video CD format used by RealPlayer can be played in most DVD players.
* Consumers can send links of their favorite videos to their friends with a convenient “Share with a Friend” feature. The link that arrives in their friends’ email will direct them to the online source of the video content their friend downloaded.
* RealPlayer supports both downloading and recording for popular streaming format (Windows Media, Real, and QuickTime)
* RealPlayer will only download/record video that is not protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems.
* RealPlayer features an improved look and feel, a streamlined installation process and faster video playback.
* RealPlayer will first be released for Windows, and will work with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Real plans a version for the Mac to be released later in the year

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Quicktime Player. Latest ! Cracked!


QuickTime is an Apple's cutting-edge digital media software for both Windows and Mac based computers delivers unparalleled quality for creating, playing and streaming audio and video content over the Internet.

QuickTime: the digital media standard.

Besides playing MPEG-4 and MP3 content, it supports timecode tracks as well as MIDI standards such as the Roland Sound Canvas and GS format extensions. It also supports key standards for web streaming, including HTTP, RTP and RTSP. Plus, it supports every major file format for images, including JPEG, BMP, PICT, PNG and GIF.

QuickTime also features built-in support for digital video, including the DV camcorder formats, as well
as support for AVI, AVR, MPEG-1, H.263, and OpenDML.

QuickTime has a legacy of supporting and developing the latest digital media standards ensuring that you can create and play back the widest range of standard formats in the industry with QuickTime.
# MPEG-1
# MPEG-2(1)
# MPEG-4
# H.264
# 3GPP & 3GPP2
And more…

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Media Player Codec Pack v.395

The Media Player Codec Pack is a simple to install package of codecs/filters/splitters used for playing back music and movie files. After installation you will be able to play 99.9% of files through your media player, along with XCD's, VCD's, SVCD's and DVD's. Also included in the package are a number of encoder codec's...

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Kantaris Media Player (Portable)

Universal, daugiafunkcijis player and extracting the best quality of audio and video files. The program is open source, an excellent alternative for Windows Media Player with similar features. Video review of files based on the IRA by the VLC player, but unlike VLC, Kandatis perfectly compatible player with a wide range of audio formats including MP3, WMA, OGG, MIDI, AC3, AAC, MP4 and FLAC.

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Download :Kantaris Media Player (Portable)

GOM Player

System Requirements
•Microsoft Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista or Windows 7
•Intel-compatible CPU P3 or greater Minimum amount of RAM recommended by the operating system in use 20MB Hard Drive Space.
•Some videos may require the newest version of DirectX or Windows Media Player.
•Recommended settings may change according to different types of video files.
•Modify 'Deadlock problem' occasionally happened when you shut down the player.
•Improve Vorbis audio decoder performance.

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Download :GOM Player

FLV Player 2.0.25 FULL

FLV Player is a tool to play Flash FLV and H.264 (MPEG-4) videos with. This utility can come in handy when viewing many FLV and/or H.264 files. The installer comes with optional FLV file-association, so double clicking an FLV file opens and plays the file in FLV Player.

Version 2.0.25 adds 'video-only' mode (press [tab] to hide all FLV Player interface elements, note that you can still drag the video around), volume control with [arrow-up] and [arrow-down] keys, timer toggle (normal and milliseconds). Ability to skip forward with [arrow-right] key has been restored.

# Operating Systems:
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000

# Additional Requirements:
No additional requirements

# Limitations:
No limitations (FULL!)

Proof Working On Windows 7!

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JetAudio is integrated multimedia software composed of a single compact rack. Not only does it play various music and video files, but it also has other features such as CD burning, recording, conversion to other file formats, and so on. In addition to these features, you have the ability to create your own Internet broadcasting by using JetCast, which is provided with JetAudio. Play all major file formats and discs, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM, and video, and audio CD. Convert among audio file formats, and record analog audio to various formats. The program features Internet broadcasting with JetCast; visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA; various sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files; and subtitles

- Supports All Major File Formats, Video Conversion, Audio CD burning, Recording, Tag Editing, Multi-channel sound ouput, Crossfade, Skin, Subtitles, Internet CD Database, Convenient album management & Playlist, Utilities, Remote Controller, Media Center Window, Audio Conversion, Audio CD Ripping, Internet Broadcasting, Various sound effects, Speed Control, Resume, Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke), Alarm & Timer, Equalizer, Superb Crystal-Clear Sound, Toolbar mode

What's New in jetAudio
New Audio plugins
M4A reader : AAC, ALAC(Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
AIF, AU/SND reader : PCM
Wave64 reader : PCM
TAK reader : Tom's Lossless Audio
OFR reader : OptimFROG
Support 48KHz when converting audio
Support multichannel when converting audio files
WVP, WAV, OGG, TTA, FLAC encoders support multichannel
Supoort multichannel when converting video -> audio
When converting videos, choose one of WAV, FLAC, OGG formats
Can edit tag for M4A format
Fixed WavPack encoder bitrate setting
Fixed OGG decoder for multichannel audio
Fixed MOD decoder for unicode file name
Fixed color adjust when using EVR
Fixed other minor bugs

RLS DATE ..............: 04-Jun-2010
RLS SiZE ..............: 07 * 5,00 MB
RLS NAME ..............:
PROTECTiON ............: N/A
REQUiREMENTS ..........: Windows OS

Homepage -

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Download :Cowon.JetAudio.v8.0.6.500.Plus.VX

BS.PLayer Pro 2.53 Build 1034 Final

BS.Player Pro - the best multimedia player (DivX, HD and AVC video, movie, audio, DVD) in the world! Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS.Player Pro has been one of the world's most popular multimedia players. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player Pro is the first player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec.

BS.Player Pro is used by more than 70 millions of multi media users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 world languages. All downloaded versions of our FREE version exceed the sum of all downloads of competitive media players and payable DivX or DVD players. Because it does not use much of the CPU processing resources for multimedia playback it is suitable for all those who use slightly less capable computers. Now, you can finally enjoy the playback of HD DVD and AVCHD movies of the highest quality with minimal system requirements. BS.Player can playback any YouTube movie directly from the internet and save it to local disk.

Most importantly, BS.Player Pro is a product for the world multi media market and is therefore equipped with a advanced subtitle options which enable the users to watch video content with subtitles from many popular subtitle formats (MicroDVD .sub, VobSub .sub + .idx, SubViewer .sub, (Advanced) SubStation Alpha .ssa or .ass, SubRip .srt, VPlayer .txt...). BS.Player is also a AVCHD player and enables you to display AVCHD video format movies (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) used in digital tapeless camcorders.

BS.Player Pro is the software movie and media player that supports all popular video and audio media file types, containers and formats such as: DivX, Xvid, avi, mpg, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpeg-4, 3ivx, YouTube streaming video, AVC HD (avchd player), QT QuickTime mov, RM Real media, OGM, Matroska , mkv, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, mp4, mpv, swf, vob and wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, Ogg, aac, DTS, Dolby Surround, Dolby digital DD 5.1 - AC3, aif, ram, wma, flv (Flash and YouTube Video) and much more!

Some great Features:

* Playback of AVCHD video new. (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) format used in Canon, JVC, Panasonic, and Sony digital tapeless camcorders.
* Support for global multimedia keys
* Play YouTube streaming including HD, High Quality and Normal resolution videonew
* Save YouTube streaming video to local disk (YouTube downloader)new
* DVD support
* Frame capture (video to picture)
* Sound Equalizer
* Custom aspect ratios
* Customizable Equalizer
* Support for Capture/Tuner devices (and Teletext support)
* Capture Video to file
* Integrated subtitle editor
* Network file buffering
* Support for Flash playback
* Fully skinnable windows (Media list, Play list, Equalizer)
* Bookmarks support (add, edit)
* Chapters support (create, move to, skip)
* Multiple audio stream switching
* Plugin support (Winamp DSP plugins and others)
* Multilingual interface
* Fast forward and fast rewind option
* Frame stepping (playback video one frame at a time)
* WinLIRC support (user defineable remote controllers)
* Support switching between multiple (different language) subtitles
* Pan-scan and custom pan-scan option
* Support for multiple audio streams and switching between them
* Every action can also be assigned to WinLIRC button
* Playback of incomplete AVI files and locked files (files in use, files still downloading or recording)
* Command line support (for example "bsplayer.exe movie.avi -fs" will start playback of movie in full screen mode)
* Support a lot of subtitles formats (MicroDVD, SubRip, Subviewer, etc), custom subtitles position, color, font, transparency.
* BSI/INI files support and dynamic DirectShow filters loading (so everything can be burned on CD and played without installing anything)
* Almost every action can be assigned to user selected key (even two keys) and different keys can be assigned for full screen and windowed mode
* Support for all popular media formats (audio and video): divx, avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, 3ivx, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, Quicktime mov, mp4, mpv, QT, Real rm, SWF, vob, wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, aac, ac3, aif, ram, wma and much more!

Compatible with: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Win7 (32/64-bit )
Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, etcCara


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Download :BS.PLayer Pro 2.53 Build 1034 Final

ALLPlayer Portable

This time ALLPlayer 4.2 comes with basic codecs that allow you to watch movies without having to look for usually virused codec packs. This version opens a new chapter in the history of our program, because it includes codecs that refer directly to the player. This will give you peace of mind in case of problems with messy Windows files as the codecs refers only to the player.

Allplayer can play almost all formats including MKV, DivX, Xvid, Flash, QuickTime, DVD, MP3, FLAC files. There is a new function which allows your kids to hear subtitles.
ALLPlayer has built in special connectors to the servers that enable to watch movie with matching subtitles in the instant mode. Intelligent Subtitles allows to read all subtitles in long enough display, so nothing will be missed. It has also live updater which keeps you updated with the latest codecs-pack.
ALLPlayer is an easy to use media player that supports most modern formats and that features intelligent Subtitles!
ALLPlayer is the first player in the world that enables IQ Text function, which analyzes the length of the displayed subtitles so that it would be displayed long enough for you to be able to read everything.
Thanks to this function you won't miss any subtitles watching the film! Very often the subtitles come so fast one after another that you don't manage to read everything, but from now on, thanks to IQ Text, you won't have this problem any more - check yourself!
AVI Doctor helps when you are downloading torrent file and want to preview the movie. With AVI Doctor you can also fix the broken file. With LiveUpdate you will get access to other skins and many additional programs and functions. Give LiveUpdate a try and you will experience a new way of watching movies on PC.
ALLCoverFlow T - is a new ALLPlayer feature. It allows to create 3D menus in a movie and works perfectly with
film editor - ALLContainer T. We recommend it to bookmark favorite scenes in a movie or for example as a friend's wedding movie decoration. Movie guide to " Film Editor-> Video Menu" which presents opportunities, how to create 3DMenu in movies, as well as movie guide to, "FAQ - ALLPlayer", how to set the sound for all the loudspeakers in the 5.1 system.
ALLPlayer - ALLContainer
If we have already a cover on HDD downloaded, we can click 'Insert from the file'. We can also try to get a cover from IMDB - the key 'Download from IMDB' (1). It may happen that a wrong cover can be downloaded, but we have no control over that matter. Just someone must have put it incorectly it in the database. If we cannot find a cover or we prefer a better quality snapshots we can take a snapshot from the movie by pressing the 'snapshot' key. By means of 'Delete from the file' we can delete everything what we added before. The cover inserted in that way immediately appears in FlowList option.
What's new:
* ALLPlayer's cooperation with converters (additional key 'Convert'), so you can easily with a click of the mouse to move your favorite movie with subtitles to your mobile, iPhone or PSP. Next converters coming soon.
* Built into installer brand new free(!) converters: ALLConverter to iPhone 1.1, ALLConverter to PSP 1.1 and ALLConverter is 3GP/GSM.
* Better cooperation with
* New skins and refreshed old ones.
* Support for several new formats as 3GP, MP4, M2TS etc.
* Faster films loading .
* Improved reading of 'ssa' format subtitles.
* Improved OSD in ALLPlayer OneFile.
* Improved stability of the program.
* Improved Setup - ALLPlayer settings window.
* Improved saving a few settings (eg Expressivo reading speed, video output)
* For subtitles translators we prepared the possibility of adding logo into .txt file.

Cara Download:

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Download :ALLPlayer Portable

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

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