Thursday, December 2, 2010

Membuat Kelender Pribadi dengan Photo Calendar Maker 1.57

Sebentar lagi kita akan memasuki tahun baru 2011. Tentu banyak persiapan yang mungkin saja sudah kita lakukan untuk menyambutnya. Tapi kali ini kita bukan membahas hal tersebut, akan tetapi saya akan meposting sebuah software yang bisa kita gunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalender pribadi.

Nama Software yang satu ini adalah Photo Calendar Maker 1.57. Dengan aplikasi yang satu ini kita mampu menciptakan sebuah kalender sesuai dengan desain yang kita inginkan. Agar lebih tampak professional, kita juga bisa menambahkan foto atau gambar-gambar yang lain sesuai dengan keinginan kita. Satu lagi kelebihan software ini yaitu sudah portable sehingga bisa digunakan kapanpun dan dimanapun.

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur Photo Calendar Maker 1.57 yang saya kutip dari

Create professional-looking photo calendars for any year or month:
· Calendar software allows you to easily create professional-looking photo calendars and then print at home, office, or studio. Customized Calendars make great gifts! Show you care with calendars for birthdays and holidays.

Save Time and Money:
· To print only one calendar professional costs more than software. Plus, you can print as many copies as you wish, giving it to friends and family, letting them remember you with your custom calendars!

All elements of your calendar can be customized:
· Use our photo calendar software and your calendar will be fully customizable - all elements of your calendar can be personalized, including dates (text and images within), pictures, adding text captions anywhere, changing layout templates (color, size, font and placement), design style shape and colors, frames.

A lot of beautiful templates:
· You can select from dozens of different, sizes, types and designs and customizes them (including date table shape and color, location of elements within dates and more).

Any Text at any place:
· Photo Calendar Maker enables to easily personalize your calendar with text at any location to add titles to each month, insert text on specific dates, etc.

Plus much more:
· The ability to print European and American style calendars (i.e., starting on a Monday or a Sunday).
· Easily create calendars in a number of different languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
· Ability to print in a wide variety of different page sizes, as well as portrait and landscape modes!
· Ability to export calendars to image files.
· Adding picture frames, masks and clipart.
· Make a desktop or printable calendar.


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