Saturday, August 7, 2010

CD/DVD ROM Tidak Terdeteksi

Pernahkah Anda mengalami seperti yang pagi tadi saya alami ?

Yups…brangkat kerja…dengan berbagai rencana. Pengen Install ulang Driver Printer dan juga pengen nyoba Corel Draw X4 yang satu minggu kemarin tak unduh dengan susah payah.

Sampe di tempat kerja, dengan penuh semangat saya memasang kembali DVD-RW Samsung yang belum terpasang karena abis dipakai ma si bos buat install komputer toko. Oke…DVD-RWnya dah kepasang. Saya hidupkan PCnya, sambil nunggu loading startup, saya ambil rokok sebatang. Buat ngusir penat.

Sukses loading startup, saya masukkan CD EPSON. Nunggu bentar dan……whats..!!! Lah kok ?? DVD-RWnya ndak ada dalam list explorer ? Waduh…gimana nih ? Akhirnya…terpaksa PC saya matikan kembali. Cek kabel IDEnya mungkin (perkiraan saya). Bongkar lagi…cek ulang…kok ?? Udah bener semua nih, terpasang rapi di SLOTnya, power ya udah nancep dengan sempurna. Periksa kembali sana sini. Kabel IDE DVD tak cabut trus pasang lagi. Kemudian kembali PC dihidupkan. Loading..loading dan loading… saya mencoba cek lagi di explorer-nya, udah nongol blom device DVD-RWnya. Dan ternyata…masih tetap sama. Namun kali ini muncul New Hardware Install. Oke..perkiraan saya mungkin device DVD minta diinstall lagi. Ya udah…aku ikutin petunjuk yang ada. Klak klik kata “Next” sampai akhirnya keluar kata2 “Cannot Install Hardware”

Wasyeng….dongkol…ngedumel sendiri…misuh sak karep-e dewe…kok bisa napa yah ? Padahal kemaren2 sebelum dilepas ndak ada masalah apa2 dengan DVD ini. Dilayar ada juga penjelasannya tentang errornya.

“Cannot Install Hardware…………(error code19)”

Akhirnya solusi terakhir adalah tanya sama simbah gugel. Obok sana obok sini sampe pusing sendiri. Sampai akhirnya saya temukan artikel ini. Solusi untuk permasalahan yang sama saya alami hari ini. Fyuuhh…alhamdulillah…akhirnya nemu juga.

Dijelaskan disini bahwa kemungkinan missing device terjadi ketika kita meng-upgrade Windows. Saya jadi keinget, memang kemarin dan lusa memang saya meng-upgrade PC yang saya gunakan ini dari Service Pack 2 ke Service Pack 3. Namun ketika proses upgrade terjadi, kondisi DVD-RW ndak ada alias udah dilepas dan dipakai ma si bos. Perkiraan saya memang disini pangkal permasalahannya. Kemudian dengan bekal pas2an basa inggeris saya simak secara detail artikel yang udah saya temukan tadi. Bahwa permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan tool dan microsoft yang udah disediakan. Tanpa babibu langsung aja saya donlod Tool tersebut dan saya praktekkan. Usai mengeksekusi tool dari microsoft tadi, PC tak restart dengan berjuta harapan agar DVD-RWnya bisa nongol untuk menemani aktivitas sehari-hari.

Dan akhirnya setelah kembali booting up….jreng..jrenngg…..sukses dengan sempurna. Device DVD yang tadinya tidak bisa terbaca sama sekali kini muncul kembali. Alhamdulillah…akhirnya bisa kembali bekerja. Dan saya-pun teringat, barangkali ada kawan2 yang pernah mengalami hal serupa dengan saya. Kemudian tanpa basa-basi, saya tulis artikel ini sebagai referensi untuk penyelesaian masalah Device CD/DVD yang tidak terdeteksi pada Windows XP. Disini tak lupa saya sertakan pula hasil COPAS dari sumber aslinya.

Artikel aslinya :


Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs, so you cannot play or access a CD or DVD. This issue might have occurred after you installed, uninstalled, or updated a program or Windows Vista.

This article helps you fix the problem. To have us fix this problem for you, go to the “Fix it for me” section. If you would rather fix this problem yourself, go to the “Let me fix it myself” section.


To fix this problem automatically, click the Fix this problem link. Then, click Run in the File Download dialog box and follow the steps in this wizard.

Fix this problem

Note This automatic fix works for all languages. However, for some languages, the wizard text may be in English.

Note If you are not on the computer that has the problem, you can save the automatic fix to a flash drive or to a CD, and then you can run it on the computer that has the problem.

Now go to the “Did this fix the problem?” section.


Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

This problem is caused by two Windows registry entries that have become corrupted. To fix the problem, you have to use Registry Editor to delete the corrupted Registry entries. To use this method, you must be logged on to Windows as an administrator. If you need help verifying that you are an administrator, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Microsoft Windows Vista

1. Click Start, and then click All Programs.
2. Click Accessories, and then click Run.
3. Type regedit, and then click OK. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
4. In the navigation pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey:
5. In the right pane, click UpperFilters.

Note You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to step 8.
6. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
7. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
8. In the right pane, click LowerFilters.

Note If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content cannot help you any further. Go to the “Next Steps” section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.
9. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
10. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
11. Exit Registry Editor.
12. Restart the computer.

Now go to the “Did this fix the problem?” section.

Microsoft Windows XP

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. In the navigation pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey:
4. In the right pane, click UpperFilters.

Note You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to step 7.
5. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
6. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
7. In the right pane, click LowerFilters.

Note If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content cannot help you any further. Go to the “Next Steps” section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.
8. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
9. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
10. Exit Registry Editor.
11. Restart the computer.

Now go to the “Did this fix the problem?” section.

Nahh….daripada pusing2 mbaca artikel yang terlalu panjang ini, ada baiknya kalo kawan2 langsung menuju ke nara sumbernya yah ?

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1 komentar:

udin said...

trimaksih mas,,,setelah saya membaca dan mengikuti langkah2 diatas akhirnya DVD saya muncul lagi,,, mantappppp

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