Tadi pas lagi browsing saya menemukan sebuah aplikasi yang mungkin saja serba guna. Soalnya software ini merupakan gabungan dari berbagai macam tool. Dalam menggunakan software yang satu ini kita tidak perlu melakukan proses penginstalan karena software yang satu ini sudah dalam bentuk portable. Jadi anda bisa menyimpannya ke dalam flashdisk dan bisa digunakan kapanpun dan dimanapun jika dibutuhkan.
Jika kita menjalankan aplikasi ini nanti akan terlihat beberapa tab yang memiliki fungsinya masing-masing. Tab-tab tersebut terdiri dari; Password Recovery Utilities, Network Monitoring Tools, Web Browser Tools, Video/Audio Related Utilities, Internet Related Utilities, Command-Line Utilities, Dekstop Utilities, Outlook/office Utilities, Programmer Tools, Disk Utilities, System Utilities, Othe Utilities, dan All Utilities... Gimana, banyak kan? Saya saja bingung mau pakai yang mana...
Nah untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut reviewnya yang saya copas dari situs aslinya :
NirLauncher is a package of more than 100 portable freeware utilities for Windows, all of them developed for NirSoft Web site during the last few years.
NirLauncher Features
- NirLauncher can be used from USB flash drive without need of any installation.
- NirLauncher and all the utilities in the package are completely freeware, without any Spyware/Adware/Malware.
- NirLauncher package includes variety of tools that you may need for your daily computer use, including utilities to recover lost passwords, to monitor your network, to view and extract cookies, cache, and other information stored by your Web browser, to search files in your system, and more...
- For every utility in the package, you can easily run it, view the help file, or jump to the Web page of the utility.
- When using it from USB flash drive, the configuration of every utility is saved into .cfg file on the flash drive.
- On x64 systems, NirLauncher automatically run the x64 version of the utility, when there is a separated x64 version.
- NirLauncher also allows to add more software packages in additional to the main NirSoft package.
System Requirements
NirLauncher works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 7. NirLauncher also works on x64 systems. Some the NirSoft utilities have a separated version for x64, and NirLauncher automatically run them when you're in x64 system.Password: catatan-putranaga.blogspot.com
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